WRSS E-SPorts Fiesta
Undeterred by the challenges that COVID-19 has posed to sports activities, a group of students rose to the challenge by conceptualising, initiating and seamlessly executing our inaugural WRSS e-Sports Fiesta!
They courageously took up the challenge to involve the whole school in online games and e-Sports. From collaborative games such as Mobile Legend and Family Style to solo games such as good old Tetris and Type Test, students were thrilled to have ended their week of exams with a great opportunity to bond with their classmates over online games. The Finals of the Mobile Legends Classic matches were also streamed live and complemented with the lively commentating by our very own teachers and students.
It was a heartening closure to the term to see students excited about collaborating with their classmates, competing across classes, and feeling that excitement and euphoria as their classmates fought it out to clinch victories for their classes.
Risen to the challenge, our students have indeed!
Cheers to all participants and spectators for the great lass spirit and sportsmanship shown!

Technically Normal Day 2021
Technically Normal Day was Technically Happiest Day for WRSS students. It was 2021’s last school day and students were all looking forward to the school holidays. To kick start the event, 3T7 Royal Flame had put the students through a ‘grueling’ Kahoot test of “How Well Do You Know WRSS?”; from the number of classrooms to number of WRSS school ties, where three winners managed to prove their ‘worthiness’. Together with WRSS Memories video, the highly anticipated concert of WRSS talented students and teachers was also showcased. And finally, we bided Technically Normal Day goodbye with a snack token for everyone.