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Release of GCE O-Level Examination Results on 10 Jan 2025
As per press release on Fri, 3 Jan, school candidates will be receiving their GCE O-Level results on Fri, 10 Jan from 2.30 pm.
School candidates are to return to school (**21 Woodlands Ave 1, Singapore 739062**) and assemble in the school hall by 2.20 pm, **respectfully attired** in their **full school uniform**. Parents/guardians may accompany their child/ward to the school to collect their results.
School candidates who are unable to collect their results in person should inform the school/form teacher via email. They can appoint a proxy to collect a physical copy of their results on their behalf. In the email to the school/form teacher, please indicate the following:
o Full Name of Proxy
o Last 4 character of the Proxy’s identification number (eg. SXXX0456)
Proxies must be above 21 years old, and he/she will be required to produce the relevant documents for the school’s verification when collecting the result.
**Resources for Parents**
Please refer to the website link below for some useful resources for social and emotional support for your child.
### Rebuilding of Woodlands Ring Secondary School
In February 2022, it is shared that the upgrading plans of Woodlands Ring Secondary School (WRSS) would coincide with the merger of the school with Fuchun Secondary School (FCSS) in Jan 2025 and that the merged school would operate at FCSS during the upgrading.
To provide new facilities that will better support teaching and learning, WRSS will undergo a full rebuilding of its campus. The school can look forward to new and updated educational facilities such as a re-designed library, science laboratories and canteen that incorporate flexible spaces and furniture– as well as areas to enhance student socio-emotional and physical development –such as a Student Services Hub, Dance Studio and larger Health and Fitness room. In addition, the school will be provided with an Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) to facilitate PE lessons, sports, which will also be shared with the community under the MOE-SportSG Dual Use Scheme. Given this change, WRSS will operate at the FCSS site at 21 Woodlands Ave 1 S(739062) for a longer period, from Jan 2025 until the rebuilding works are completed in December 2028.
There is no change to the plan for WRSS to merge with FCSS in 2025 at the FCSS site. The school, together with MOE will ensure that the existing school facilities are well-maintained to provide a conducive learning environment for our students.
### WRS in the News
Bringing virtual reality into the classroom
A screen capture of our students' work.[/caption]
Imagine stepping into Elias's house in The Forest. Time seems to be suspended in this space. Half chopped trees with axe hanging dangerously by the side, mushrooms sprouting amidst the grass. Moving forward, you take a glimpse into his dilapidated house and muddy floor. There is no one in the house yet you feel you have intruded into his space, his privacy. [more]
辅廉中学游中国浙江 为平湖市民献才艺

Applied Learning Programme
The Robotics Education and Enterprise (TREE)
The Applied Learning Programme (ALP) provides opportunities for students to discover their strengths and interests, and to find greater relevance and motivation in their learning. They complement the school’s core academic and student development programmes. The ALP helps students appreciate the relevance and value of what they are learning in the academic curriculum to the real world, and develop stronger motivation and purpose to acquire knowledge and skills. The emphasis is on the application of thinking skills, integrating knowledge across subject disciplines, stretching the imagination and applying these in real-world settings in society and industries.
At Woodlands Ring Secondary School (WRSS), our ALP focus area is on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). As such, our school offers all Lower Secondary students The Robotics Education and Enterprise (TREE). WRSS is one of the 11 secondary schools to offer ALP in the Robotics domain. It is an approach that emphasises authentic and practice-oriented learning experiences. It also gives students additional opportunities to acquire skills and qualities based on the practical application of knowledge in real-world contexts, and strongly supports our focus on developing 21st century competencies and values in our students.
In partnership with STEM Inc., Science Centre Singapore, we have reviewed our ALP to include coding. In 2017, students learn to programme, code and upload to an Arduino microcontroller to perform simple tasks like lighting up an LED or make a buzzer sound, to more complicated tasks such as mimicking a traffic-light system or use infra-red input devices to measure and control output devices. Authentic scenarios are presented to challenge students’ critical and inventive thinking; to test their troubleshooting skills besides learning soft skills such as communicating with team members and learning to make responsible decisions.
Involvement of students in larger project tasks such as designing and prototyping a robot arm to perform precise functions or to make it ‘dance’ to a one-minute music tune, using smartphone to control Robotics arms via Bluetooth, further stretches the students’ imagination and potential to complete the task while living out the school core values of Responsibility, Respect and Resilience.